BeamingLight Programs at the Beth Wright Cancer Resource Center

September 2, 2021 3:30-5 pm Sound Bath Meditation: Reconnection Bathe in the healing sounds of crystal & Tibetan singing bowls, seedpods, shells, bells, rattles and drums as we reconnect to ourselves in mind, body, and spirit.  In this safe space we will also hold the energy of reconnecting with others. With deep breathing, guided meditation, and sound vibrations,…

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Upcoming Events

Rally for the Penobscot River and Wabanaki Sovereignty Sunday, August 1 from 2:30-6 pm at the Bangor Waterfront Park. Current organizational co-sponsors include Sunlight Media Collective, Peace and Justice Center of Eastern Maine, Dawnland Environmental Defense, Land Peace Foundation, Bomazeen Land Trust, Racial Equity & Justice, and Community Water Justice.…

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Bicentennial Bonfire in Surry!

Celebrate Maine history in Surry with a bonfire and music! Bring a drum, shaker, or bell and co-create some rockin’ rhythms and healing vibes in a drum circle led by Eileen Mielenhausen. Open to all with masks & physical distancing. Some extra drums and percussive instruments will be available to…

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Wishing You Love!

Happy Valentine’s Day! And Blessings on Lunar Imbolc (2/11) and the Chinese and Tibetan New Year, Year of the Metal Ox, which begins on Feb. 12, 2021. We are celebrating with a fire on the beach, sharing, and shamanic journeying to the Middle World–a place to assist with ancestral healing.…

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Imbolc 2021

Blessed Imbolc!  So much gratitude for our beautiful midwinter circle yesterday. Thank you to Sarah for being a gracious hostess, creating a lovely space for our circle and building a warming and welcoming fire (inside as well as outside!). Thank you to all for bringing items for the altar and ceremony.…

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New Year’s Fires on the Beach

Join us for a series of fireside chats and ceremonies on the beach on Mt. Desert Island! From deep and pithy to playful and celebratory, we gather together outside, donning our gay apparel (masks) to share, dance, sing, drum, and pray in 2021. Contact Eileen FMI: (207) 441-2785.

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