Join us for a series of fireside chats and ceremonies on the beach on Mt. Desert Island! From deep and pithy to playful and celebratory, we gather together outside, donning our gay apparel (masks) to share, dance, sing, drum, and pray in 2021. Contact Eileen FMI: (207) 441-2785.
You are invited to “Art for Justice: Working Towards Equity,” a free outdoor pop-up art show this Sunday, October 18 in Bar Harbor (across from the Village Green). Come by anytime between 10:30 am-6:30 pm to view the art pieces and to add your voice to the interactive art exhibit…
I had a wonderful time networking with other women business owners at the MDI YWCA’s Women-Owned Business Expo in November. I spoke with many women about the programs I offer, including Art & Sound, drumming workshops, sound bath meditations, and Reiki. Was happy to share a table with my friend…