Beltane Celebration!

Celebrate May Day with us on the Penobscot River in Verona Island, Maine, with a free herb walk, Blessing of the Fields scarf dance, and a bonfire with singing and drumming and readings. See poster below for more details.

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Happy Spring!

“Life in Balance: Trees and Water, a Spring Equinox Celebration” Saturday, March 21, 2020, 12-2 pm, Verona Island Healing, 318 East Side Dr., Verona Island, Maine. We have modified our gathering due to COVID-19 restrictions and will post video of the event soon.

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Yoga & Sound Program in Ellsworth

The Steamy Buddha Yoga Studio is presenting a “Yin Chakra Sound Bath” on Sat., Dec. 7 from 4:30-6:30 pm. Yin yoga instructor Rupi Ghuman and sound healing guide Eileen Mielenhausen will create a deep space for your exploration of the seven main chakras at the studio at 50 Church St.,…

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Healing the Wounds of Turtle Island

I encourage those of you in New England to attend all or part of the Healing the Wounds of Turtle Island gathering this weekend, July 12-15, at Nibezun in Passadumkeag, Maine. This will be the third year in the Eastern Gate for this powerful weekend of ceremony, teachings, discussion, healing…

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One Beat at a Time

Thank you to all the wonderful people who participated at the first annual Many Roads to Recovery wellness event in Ellsworth. I had a fantastic time talking with people in recovery and networking with other wellness practitioners and presenters! So many wonderful opportunities for healing in our “toolkit.” We chanted,…

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Art & Sound programs in Bucksport, Ellsworth

Amy Thompson and Eileen Mielenhausen will present “Art from the Heart and Sound for the Soul,” a healing and expressive arts workshop, on Monday, January 29 from 5:30-8:30 pm at Bucksport Adult Ed. and on Saturday, February 3 from 1-4 pm at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Ellsworth. Experience the…

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